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I have a passion for helping individuals and groups to discover what they can create. Many people doubt that they can produce anything artistic and it is my pleasure to demonstrate that anyone, without previous experience, can enjoy the creative process and surprise themselves with the results.


I have a background in Health Visiting and have worked in many different settings with a very wide range of people from toddlers in playgroups and school children of all ages to adults in community groups. I provide a variety of different materials, from clay, glass and wood to textiles and paint and try to use recycled and found objects too. 

For the last few years Shaeron Caton Rose and I have been working together to run retreat days and courses through our Community Interest Company called ReCreate ( ) We have run a six week course for men in a drug and alcohol addiction recovery programme and a course for families in supported accommodation. Both projects were in partnership with St. Georges Crypt Leeds with funding from the Leeds Community Partnership. We have worked with the Refugee Council in Leeds and produced work which was exhibited to celebrate Leeds as a City of Sanctuary.

We are currently running weekly sessions at Shine West Bowling ( )to provide a warm and safe place for adults to explore the benefits of art and mindfulness. Our retreat days have been enormously valued for their mixture of relaxation, fun and thoughtfulness in the beautiful setting of a large garden. 

I am happy to discuss any future projects or ideas with community, school or church groups  either alone or with ReCreate. 

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